Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada has filed a Complaint at the CRTC against Rogers Broadcasting Limited and the cancellation of 21 programs aimed at 13 ethnic communities.
We ask that you support CEP’s application to the CRTC, which asks Rogers to reinstate its previous level of coverage of the local Chinese and other multicultural communities. Here’s how – but you must send in your support by Monday, August 12, 2013 to ensure the CRTC hears your views:
Go to this page on the CRTC’s website: Scroll down to the tenth entry from the top – “OMNI-TV” “2013-0996-4.
Click on the submit button and say that you support this application. You will be guided to click through a few pages as you move through the link, so be sure to scroll down to the bottom of each page to click next. You will be asked your name and email address so that the CRTC can verify that you are a real person.
You only need to make a very simple statement. Here are some examples of what you can say if you submit: “Please call Rogers to a public hearing about the OMNI programming changes”, or “I support CEP’s application” or “I oppose the changes that Rogers Broadcasting has made to its OMNI TV stations, and support CEP’s request for the CRTC to hold a public hearing about this important issue”.
Please take 5 minutes out of your day to let the CRTC know how important LOCAL NEWS JOBS are!
More information can be found on Facebook at: OMNI Updates.
Please share this information with your friends and family and encourage them to support this important initiative.