New Members Information

Welcome to Unifor-830M.  You probably have some questions about who we are and what we do.  Here are answers to some of your common questions:

1.  What is Unifor-830M and who is in it?

2.  Why do I have to belong to the union?

3.  How much do I pay in union dues and where does the money go?

4.  What is the collective agreement and how do I access it?

5.  Who do I contact if I have any questions about my working conditions and is my information confidential?

6.  Can I do another union member’s work?

7.  What about doing the work of someone who is not a union member?

8.   As a new full time member, how many vacation days do I get and how do I take them?

1. What is Unifor-830M and who is in it?

Unifor-830M is the bargaining agent for all unionized employees at CityTV Vancouver (CKVU) and OMNI BC (CHNM). Currently, we represent about 85 people in a variety of job functions.  Unifor-830M is run by an executive board, elected from the local members.

2.  Why is there a union and how does it benefit me?

The union exists to negotiate and protect the wages, benefits and conditions of all the members. Unifor-830M provides support to make sure the terms and conditions of the collective agreement are lived up to.

3.  How much do I pay in union dues and where does the money go?

Union dues amount to 1.67% of your total pay. One percent goes to the national union, 0.67% comes back to the local. The national union uses this money to pay for bargaining, defence, arbitration and organizing. The local uses its share to pay for education, bargaining, conventions and other support services.

4.  What is the collective agreement and how do I access it?

The collective agreement is a contract between the employer and the union setting out the terms and conditions, which include wages and benefits, for all members. Every member receives a printed copy of the current collective agreement. It is also available online here.

5.  Who do I contact if I have any questions about my working conditions and is my information confidential?

If you have any questions about working conditions, you can contact any member of the executive board, who will keep your information confidential and provide support.

6.  Can I do another union member’s work?

Yes, as long as you are qualified to do it. If the other work is at a higher classification or is excluded from the collective agreement and you do it for four or more hours you qualify for a 20% pay upgrade, as per Article 37 in the collective agreement.

7.  What about doing the work of someone who is not a union member?

Yes, as long as you are qualified to do it. If the work is excluded from the collective agreement and you do it for four or more hours you qualify for a 20% pay upgrade, as per Article 37 in the collective agreement.

8.  As a new full time member, how many vacation days do I get and how do I take them?

After a new employee passes their probationary period (3 months or 6 months for on-air members) you are entitled to one day per month to a maximum of 10 days (as per Article 22 of the Collective Agreement).