MorneauShepell Frequently Asked Questions

Who is MorneauShepell?

MorneauShepell is the  company Rogers employs  to administer and reduce the cost of employees short and long term disabilities claims

What is a “Triage Interview”?

This is the interview that a Morneau-Shepell case manager conducts with an employee after the employee  has been away from work for more than three days due to an illness.

What information do I need to provide the case manager?  Can I limit the amount of medical information MorneauShepell accesses?

You can limit the information you provide the case manager to relevant medical information to your current medical condition

You can also request that your doctor provides you with any information they provide MorneauShepell and to limit that information to your current medical condition

What should I do if I don’t feel comfortable with one of the case manager’s  questions?

If you feel your case manager’s question is not appropriate or relevant to your current medical condition; or if you feel it is an infringement on your human rights,  you can refuse to answer the question and confidentially contact your Union representative