May Update

Labour Management Committee Meeting

  • On April 20th, we met with Rogers management team including Nicole Cram, the new HR representative for Western stations
  • Rogers was given a draft of our new Collective Agreement
  • Vacation request process was reviewed
  • Seniority dates and updates related to recent bargaining were discussed

Rogers Bargaining Units Council & Media Council 2012

  • In May we met with other CEP Rogers locals in Victoria and exchanged information on new editing and other technologies
  • The group also discussed concerns around Rogers use of Morneau Shepell to administer and reduce short term disability claims
  • In the wider Media Council 2012, there was discussion on a proposed merger of CEP and CAW to create a new, larger union of up to 300,000 members.  For more information on this proposal check out the web site:

Cellphone Plan

  • A plan with Bell and the local union is now in place. Contact Carl Larsen for details