BC’s Family Day on February 8th is just another day at work for Unionized employees.  Some members have decided to use their one Union floater day on the 8th, however it is not mandatory.  We were unsuccessful in getting the Company to recognize this provincial stat, they do recognize BC Day in August and Remembrance Day in November.


Rogers wealth accumulation program and employee discount program are now available to all unionized employees at CITY and OMNI.  Contact a member of the Executive Board or any fellow member who has signed up to find out how to take advantage of these great offers.


Rogers has announced they are no longer going to be offering a Defined Benefits (DB) Pension to new employees, opting to offer a less attractive Defined Contribution (DC) Pension. Current employee will remain in the DB plan. Over a dozen members who are currently not taking advantage of this very generous DB plan have until June 30th, 2016 to sign up or you will lose out.

Many employees who were laid off last May and had been in the plan since 2009 were paid out over a $60,000 benefit from Rogers DB Pension plan.