All Unifor Local 830M members get one floater vacation day per year.  Remember to indicate on your vacation request form (checkmark the box) that you intend to use your floater day on your first vacation request of the year.  This floater day must be used by August 31st or you will lose it.

(Please note: Family Day is not a recognized holiday by Rogers under our collective agreement)


Local 830m has been denied a seat on this important new council.  We have decided to develop our own Advisory Council to share ideas and analysis about ethno-cultural programming with the Company and the CRTC.

If you are interested in participating on this council contact your Steward or a member of the Executive Board.


If you are injured at work, or are unable to work because of an injury or illness, and are put on Short Term Disability please let a member of the Local Executive or your Steward know as soon as possible. If there are any concerns or problems that occur while going through this process we may be able to help make sure that you are receiving the proper information and options during this time.