End of Year Dates to Consider

 If you’re not able to use all of your 2017 Vacation entitlement this year you can request to carry it over until the end of March 2018

Article 22.1 …..Employees may be allowed to carry over up to five (5) vacation days to March 31st of the following year. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied.

Book next years important Vacation request in before December 31st

Article 22.7 …..Provided that an Employee’s application for vacation is submitted in writing by the last working day in December, they shall receive preference in scheduling their vacation on the basis of their Company seniority within the Job function to which they are assigned in accordance with Article 42 of this Agreement

Dates to be aware of:

Hire Date

Union Seniority Date (usually the same as your hire date unless you worked part-time prior to being hired full-time; your part-time hours are converted into full-time equivalency which then represents your Union Seniority Date)

Step Up Date (usually the same as your hire date) this is when your pay scale goes up at 6 months; one year and annually til top of scale at six years for most job categories

Probation Date (3 months or 6 months in the case of an on-air reporter/videographer)  this represents the date you are eligible to apply for Rogers Benefits, Wealth Accumulation, Pension and Full-Time Employee Discounts

Other dates to be aware of is that Sept to Aug is our “contract year”.  Sept 1st is when any negotiated increases come into effect.

Members who have been employed for over 4 months are entitled to one “floating” holiday to be taken at a mutually agreeable time.  Many people will opt to take February 12th (BC’s Family Day) as their floater, but you can choose to work this day and take your floater whenever it works best for you.