Bargaining Update, November 18

November 18, 2011

Negotiations for the renewal of our collective agreement commenced this week with three days of bargaining. We met with Rogers Citytv OMNI Monday November 14 through Wednesday November 16th.

The Union and the Company presented and responded to proposals from each side. We had discussions on several non-monetary items. The discussions were broad based and included the following issues:

  • Updates on the Rogers business operations plans going forward into 2012;
  • Update regarding online access to work schedules;
  • Updating contract framework provisions in a number of areas of the contract to both reflect the inclusion of OMNI employees and to ensure the contract language is current.
  • Updating the grievance/arbitration and joint committee provisions of the contract.

We will meet with the Company for further negotiation on December 6th, 7th and 8th. As negotiations progress, we will send out further bulletins to update you.

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please contact us.

In Solidarity,

Your Local 830M Bargaining Committee

Stephen Hawkins, President

Jimmy Mistry, Vice-President

Gerald Christenson, Treasurer, Alternate

Carl Larsen, Chief Steward

Brian Wawzonek, Alternate

Joie Warnock, CEP National Representative