Hello Everyone:
As you may know, CEP Local 830M is preparing for collective bargaining – the process by which Rogers and the Union will negotiate a renewal of our collective agreement or “contract” to specify the terms and conditions of our employment. We are the Local that represents unionized employees at CityTV Vancouver and OMNI BC.
The link below is to an online survey tool called “Survey Monkey”. It is designed to register your feedback and comments – anonymously – for use in developing our proposals for negotiations.
The survey will take five minutes to complete and the results will be utilized confidentially by the bargaining committee to prepare for negotiations.
Remember to complete the survey at a break time or on a lunch break!
Please take a few minutes to register your feedback at this link:
We have moved the deadline to complete your survey to June 24th
If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Bargaining Committee.
Thank you very much for your participation!
CEP Local 830M Bargaining Committee
Stephen Hawkins, president@unifor830m.ca
Carl Larsen, divecarl@shaw.ca
Jimmy Mistry, jimmymist@hotmail.com